Client: Blackwing
Campaign: The Blackwing Experience
Agency: Palomino

When Palomino relaunched the infamous Blacking 602 Pencil, Justin Oberman decided to celebrate with a year-long celebration of the pencil called the Blacking Experience. The campaign started with banner ads and an exclusive social media campaign fueled by Klout. It then ended with a week-long exhibit and party celebrating the history of the pencil at The Art Directors Club in NYC. Blackwing pencils were sold out for months afterward.

The event traveled to Los Angeles where it was showcased at the Chuck Jones Experience Center, San Francisco and was even included as part of the Chuck Jones exhibit at the Circus Circus Hotel in Las Vegas.


The 60 foot timeline of The History of The Pencil was a true labour of love, utilizing a custom font and hand-drawn headlines by my partner Lesli Scott and written and arranged entirely by me. For those curious about the process...A timeline, 6' x 60', using a custom font and hand sketched letters drawn with the Blackwing pencil of course.

A party celebrating the pencil sounds kind of absurd. So to announce it we teamed up with comedian David Reese of Artisanal Pencil Sharpening fame to create a viral video that begged the question..."Is this for real?" It was a top 5 reddit post for 3 weeks straight and still solicits comments 3 years later.